Are psychometrics worth it?

In this blog post, AIG performance coach and programme facilitator Peter explains the importance of psychometrics within business. Read this Q&A with Peter where he discusses why companies use psychometrics and how they can be implemented to help develop people and teams.

psychometrics mbti

Learn all about psychometrics below with this fascinating Q&A with AIG performance coach and programme facilitator Peter. Peter is an advocate of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, holds Level A and B accreditation in psychometric testing, and is a member of the British Psychological Society, making him highly qualified to offer a deep insight and analysis of psychometrics.

Are psychometrics worth it?

Everyone’s got a view haven’t they, from “it changed my life” to “a complete waste of time”. If there is a value, where does it sit?

Types of personality based psychometrics 

There are two broad types, those that look to map previous behaviour to predict future behaviour (can be used as part of a recruitment process) and those which look at the way people prefer to do things (great for development and a complete no no for recruitment as these don’t look at competence, purely preference).

At AIG we use a broad range of psychometrics for both recruitment and development as appropriate, administered and delivered by our coaches who are competent and qualified in each tool and are listed on the British Psychological Society Register of Qualifications in Test Use (RQTU).

Why use preference based psychometrics?

Myers Briggs Type Indicator is my preferred tool for developing individuals and teams.

Why? Because it’s simple to administer (a 30 minute online questionnaire), simple to feedback (4 areas which can be easily understood when explained effectively) and the big one for me, it creates a fantastic opportunity for individuals and teams to explore themselves and their relationships with others, not only at work but in relationships with partners, children, friends, the lot.

What about developing people and teams?

If the aim is to develop, any psychometric is there to question, challenge, confirm and create a common development language that enables people to work together by depersonalising differences and creating psychological safety (the subject of another blog, for sure!). 

How do the best group feedback sessions work?

For us it’s by asking the group to self-assess using everyday scenarios and real life examples of how they prefer to live and then, after that, provide the reports from the pre-completed questionnaires. The discussions around difference are truly astonishing as people begin to appreciate how we can all achieve great results in a way that works for us.

The second half of the day uses the new self awareness to work on some of the company’s relevant issues such as, for a team, “What makes a truly great team” which sounds so simple but …..?

How important is the psychometric itself?

Clearly the accuracy of the tool itself is relevant but in developing people, for us it‘s about creating an environment, either individual or group, where people grow to become more aware of themselves and others and are comfortable to accept vulnerability and alternative ways to be great. 

We run lots of these types of sessions, the feedback we most regularly receive is;

“You asked such great questions and then let us answer them in our own way”

“You helped us understand how much more effective and happy we will be when we appreciate more about ourselves and each other”

It’s not all about the psychometric, is it?

If you would be interested in implementing psychometrics within your organisation then we’re here to help. Just contact us to arrange a discussion with Peter and he’ll be able to answer any questions you may have.

Written by Peter Thorp, a performance coach and programme facilitator at alterniq inspired growth. 

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